How to overcome sleep while studying? : The Zen Master’s Guide to Academic Success

In the heart of Kyoto, under the shadow of its ancient temples, lived a young student named Hiroki. Hiroki was in his final year at Kyoto University, deeply engrossed in his studies on traditional Japanese literature. However, he faced a formidable obstacle that threatened his academic success: his incessant struggle to stay awake while studying.

One particularly crisp autumn evening, as the maples began to don their fiery hues, Hiroki found himself dozing off yet again, his books sprawled open in front of him. In his dream, he wandered through a misty forest until he stumbled upon a quaint tea house, seemingly untouched by time. An old man with a gentle smile greeted him. This man was Kazuo, a renowned Zen master known for his wisdom and unconventional teaching methods.

Sensing Hiroki’s distress, Kazuo invited him to share a cup of green tea. As they sipped their tea amidst the serene backdrop of the forest, Kazuo shared three profound lessons to help Hiroki overcome his challenge.

First Lesson: The Practice of Mindfulness

Kazuo began, “To combat the drowsiness that besieges you, you must first embrace the practice of mindfulness. Be wholly present with your studies. Let each word you read or write be an action performed with full awareness, as if it were a sacred ritual.”

Hiroki listened intently, realizing he often read in a mechanical manner, his thoughts wandering to a thousand different places.

Second Lesson: The Power of Breaks

“Next,” Kazuo continued, “you must learn the power of breaks. Study not until your mind becomes foggy and your eyes heavy, but in intervals. After each period of focused study, take a short walk, practice some deep breathing, or engage in a quick meditation. These breaks will refresh your mind and body, making your study sessions more effective.”

Hiroki remembered his long hours of uninterrupted study, often pushing himself too hard, only to end up exhausted.

Third Lesson: The Harmony of Lifestyle

“Lastly,” the old master said, “the harmony of your lifestyle plays a crucial role. Pay attention to your diet, ensuring it is balanced and nourishing. Exercise regularly to keep your body and mind sharp. And most importantly, establish a consistent sleep schedule. A well-rested mind is the most potent weapon against the tendrils of sleep that seek to disrupt your studies.”

As the lessons sank in, Hiroki felt a sense of clarity and determination wash over him. He thanked Kazuo for his wisdom and, with a bow, found himself waking up from his dream.

Emboldened by the lessons from his dream, Hiroki began to implement the changes. He practiced mindfulness with each page he turned, finding joy in the learning process itself. He took regular breaks, often stepping out into the university’s lush gardens to clear his mind. His lifestyle underwent a transformation as well; he ate healthier, exercised daily, and fixed his sleeping schedule.

In the months that followed, Hiroki’s academic performance soared. Not only did he overcome his struggle with sleep, but he also found a deeper appreciation for his studies and a greater balance in his life. His final year at Kyoto University became his most successful and fulfilling.

Years later, Hiroki, now a respected professor of Japanese literature, would often tell his students about the dream that changed his life. He shared the lessons of mindfulness, the power of breaks, and the harmony of lifestyle, hoping to inspire them as Kazuo had inspired him. And so, the wisdom of the old Zen master lived on, guiding generations of students through their academic journeys and beyond.

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