Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024

Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024, 11:55 PM

Hey, it’s me again. Let’s chat about today, a day that felt a bit out of the ordinary, yet so full of moments that remind me why life’s worth the ride. Kandy was our destination today, with a purpose that was all about paving the way for my sister’s big dreams. But as it turned out, the day had its own plans for us.

Our first pitstop was the Temple of the Tooth Relic. I had this quirky idea to make a vlog about it. Imagine that, me, behind the camera, trying to piece together a story. I’m no Spielberg, and honestly, my footage felt more like a casual stroll through the temple than anything else. But you know what? That’s okay. Every time I step into places like this temple or the Ruwanweliseya, it’s like entering a different world. There’s a serenity there, a sense of belonging to something greater. I’ll let you in on the vlog once I’ve wrestled with the editing. It might just end up being a little window into that peace.

After soaking in all that tranquility, we switched gears and dove into the visa agency hustle. It’s all for my sister, and every form filled, every question answered, brings her closer to her dreams. I’ll skip the mundane details, but just know it was a day of progress.

Came back home, did a quick check at the shop, and here’s a funny thing – it seems to thrive when I’m not around. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Is it me, or is there some sort of mysterious shop karma at play?

Home by 5:30 p.m., and the real treat of the day was waiting. Amma cooked Polos Kottu. If you haven’t had the joy of tasting Polos, it’s baby jackfruit transformed into a dish that’s just… divine. It was the perfect end to a day full of ups, downs, and everything in between.

Now, as I lie here, sharing my thoughts with you, it’s these moments – the quiet after the hustle, the taste of home in a dish, the reflection on the sacred spaces that touch my soul – that truly humanize the journey. It’s about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary, the lessons in the laughter, and the comfort in the chaos.

What a day, indeed.

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Dhanushka Koggala