Daily Log

Day 03

Journal Entry – March 18, 2024, 11:01 P.M. Kurunegala, Sri Lanka

Today, like any other Monday, I started my day a bit later than usual. Mondays have turned into my errand days. It’s when I take care of things like going to the bank and paying bills. There’s a bit more to it, but I’ll spare you the boring details. This Monday was no different. My first stop was the bank to deposit some money. It’s one of those tasks you just want to tick off your list as soon as possible.

After the bank, I did something I’ve come to enjoy secretly. I went for a coconut milk ice cream. Here’s a little secret between us: I have this treat every Monday. It’s become a sweet little habit of mine. There’s something about starting the week with a coconut milk ice cream that just feels right.

Then, it was time to head to the shop. It was a regular day there, with nothing much to note. However, there’s this one customer who always manages to stand out. To put it nicely, he’s a bit of a handful. There are days when I really have to bite my tongue around him. Despite that, I remind myself of the old saying, “Customer is the King,” and try to keep things smooth.

In the evening, I went for my run around the lake. It’s the third day of my 30-day running challenge. I’m not sure why, but I felt unusually tired today. Maybe it was the heat. The temperature hit 40 Degrees Celsius, which is pretty intense, especially when you’re trying to push yourself physically. Running in such heat is a challenge in itself.

So, that was my day. It was pretty standard for a Monday, filled with the usual errands, a secret ice cream treat, a bit of a challenge at the shop, and my running routine. Despite the heat and the tiredness, it feels good to stick to these little rituals. They make each day uniquely mine, even if it’s just a regular Monday.

Day 02

Journal Entry – March 17, 2024, 10:38 P.M. Kurunegala, Sri Lanka

Today is Sunday, and it was a stay-at-home kind of day for me. I woke up at 9:30 a.m., which is later than my usual 7 a.m. Since I didn’t have to open the shop, I got to sleep in. I often think I should be doing more with my time because it feels like there’s so much I want to do. But, if I’m not feeling up to it, I can sleep the day away, which is funny when you think about it.

For breakfast, I had Pittu. If you’re not sure what that is, it’s made from rice flour and coconut. It’s really good when you eat it with coconut milk and something called Katta Sambol, which is a spicy mix of chillies and onions. It’s super spicy but very tasty when you mix it all together.

Though the shop was closed today, I had to pop over because someone needed something. I sold it to them and then went back home. The rest of my day was pretty quiet. I even managed to sneak in a nap for an hour or two in the evening. Time kind of got away from me, so I’m not sure how long I slept.

Even though I didn’t feel like doing much today, I remembered I promised myself to keep up with my running challenge. It’s the second day of my 30-day challenge. My main goal is to lose some of the extra weight around my belly, probably from sitting too much at work. So, I went out to the same place as before, near Kurunegala Lake, and walked and ran for about 40 minutes. It felt great after I was done, really refreshing. I also did a few exercises before heading home.

When I got back, my amma had made some oats cookies for me. They were really good. So, that’s pretty much how my day went. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Day 01

Journal Entry – March 16, 2024. Kurunegala, Sri Lanka (technically March 17th since it’s 11:55 PM)

I went for a run around Kurunegala Lake after quite some time. I’ve noticed I’ve gained some weight, and it’s really time to shed those extra pounds. To tackle this, I’ve set myself a challenge: to run for 30 consecutive days. The concern about my weight has been growing on me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been eating more than usual, or perhaps it’s just that time. Whatever the reason, I’m determined to burn off those extra calories.

Today marks the first day of my running challenge. It’s going to be interesting to see if I can stick to this commitment for the full 30 days. Every day, I plan to share a screenshot of my running stats with you all. It’s a way to keep myself accountable and hopefully, inspire some of you to join me on this journey. Let’s see how far I can go with this challenge. Wish me luck!

Journal Entry – March 14th

Journal Entry – March 14th (Well, technically March 15th since it’s 1:27 AM)

It’s a bit late to be writing this log, isn’t it? Actually, I’ve realized I don’t really have to stick to writing “today” because, technically, it’s already “yesterday” since the clock’s ticked past midnight. And here I am, still up. Spent a lot of time thinking today. My mind’s been all over the place. But right now, the sleepiness is starting to kick in, big time. I’ll fill you in on those thoughts tomorrow. For now, it’s probably a good idea to try and catch some Z’s.

Journal Entry – March 13th, 2024

Journal Entry – March 13th, 2024, 09:30 AM

Today, I got to the shop around 8:30 in the morning, right after doing my morning prayers to Buddha. Honestly, it feels a bit overwhelming with so much on my plate. But hey, gotta start somewhere, right? First up on my list is checking the inventory. There’s a bunch of different categories I need to go through, so I’m gonna tackle that head-on. Once I’ve got a handle on what’s in stock, the next thing I’ll dive into is updating the prices for our items. It’s all about taking it one step at a time.

Journal Entry – March 13th, 2024, 11:10 PM

Hey there! So, it’s 11:10 p.m. already, huh? Time sure flew by like a rocket today. Remember those college days when we’d count the minutes till we could call it a day? Now, it’s like time has got wings. Honestly, not much went down today. Just a quick trip to the shop and then back home. Kind of finding myself a bit bored at the moment. Oh, and let’s not forget about the heat today – felt like I was practically melting. What’s up with the weather these days, right? And here I am, trying to gather my thoughts, but they’re just zipping around everywhere.

Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024

Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024, 11:55 PM

Hey, it’s me again. Let’s chat about today, a day that felt a bit out of the ordinary, yet so full of moments that remind me why life’s worth the ride. Kandy was our destination today, with a purpose that was all about paving the way for my sister’s big dreams. But as it turned out, the day had its own plans for us.

Our first pitstop was the Temple of the Tooth Relic. I had this quirky idea to make a vlog about it. Imagine that, me, behind the camera, trying to piece together a story. I’m no Spielberg, and honestly, my footage felt more like a casual stroll through the temple than anything else. But you know what? That’s okay. Every time I step into places like this temple or the Ruwanweliseya, it’s like entering a different world. There’s a serenity there, a sense of belonging to something greater. I’ll let you in on the vlog once I’ve wrestled with the editing. It might just end up being a little window into that peace.

After soaking in all that tranquility, we switched gears and dove into the visa agency hustle. It’s all for my sister, and every form filled, every question answered, brings her closer to her dreams. I’ll skip the mundane details, but just know it was a day of progress.

Came back home, did a quick check at the shop, and here’s a funny thing – it seems to thrive when I’m not around. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Is it me, or is there some sort of mysterious shop karma at play?

Home by 5:30 p.m., and the real treat of the day was waiting. Amma cooked Polos Kottu. If you haven’t had the joy of tasting Polos, it’s baby jackfruit transformed into a dish that’s just… divine. It was the perfect end to a day full of ups, downs, and everything in between.

Now, as I lie here, sharing my thoughts with you, it’s these moments – the quiet after the hustle, the taste of home in a dish, the reflection on the sacred spaces that touch my soul – that truly humanize the journey. It’s about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary, the lessons in the laughter, and the comfort in the chaos.

What a day, indeed.

Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024

Journal Entry – March 12th, 2024, 12:32 AM

It’s a bit past midnight, making it technically the 12th of March, 2024. I’m a little late to log this as my second day of journaling. Anyway, who cares about the timing, right? But in my heart, this still counts as the second day.

Today, I’m feeling caught in an emotional storm. It’s tough to express—it’s like there’s this massive whirlwind of feelings inside me. The heaviest feeling is this sense of being stuck. At 28, there’s this nagging thought haunting me, telling me I don’t have much time left to achieve everything I want. This thought is both a motivator and a huge source of stress.

My dream? It’s a big one—I want to change the world, make it better. But looking at the grand scale of my ambitions versus my day-to-day actions, I can’t help but feel what I’m doing is just too little. This huge gap between my dreams and my reality stresses me out, leading me into this cycle of procrastination, which only makes me feel more stuck.

I know I need to start breaking down my goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Focusing on the journey rather than the destination might help ease some of this pressure I’m putting on myself. Acknowledging even the small wins and reminding myself of any positive impacts I’ve made, no matter how minor, might help me see the value in the smaller steps I’m taking.

Despite these challenges, I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay not to have all the answers right now. It’s okay to take things one day at a time. So, for now, I’ll focus on what actions I can take daily that align with my values and the changes I wish to see in the world. Let’s see how this approach works moving forward.

Even though I’m starting this entry late into the night, I’m not letting the timing detract from its importance. This is still my second day of journaling, a small step towards the consistency I aim for. Here’s to hoping that acknowledging these feelings and thoughts is the beginning of breaking free from the cycle of stress and procrastination.

Journal Entry – March 10th, 2024

Journal Entry – March 10th, 2024

Hello, everyone! How are you? I am Dhanushka Koggala, 28 years old, coming from Sri Lanka. I have some very large dreams, but the thing is, I am an introvert person and I don’t have many friends. And my parents are always on my back, telling me to go out, have fun, and make some friends. But, to be honest, I don’t feed on drama and always like kind of low-key life. Actually, I do not have even a single good friend to whom I will be able to speak directly. I felt that my thought process is a bit unlike most people. So, the plan for today was to start the diary myself. I am going to take notes of my daily life, who I talk with, and what I do; everything is going into this log. I really don’t know who will end up reading the entries in this log, but here we go – Day 01 of my diary.

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Dhanushka Koggala